
Upcoming events.

Check out our events calendar to see what we have going on! We look forward to seeing you at an event soon.



  • Pride in Aging RI - Church of Transfiguration (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The Cafe offers LGBT individuals and their friends age 60 and older a hot, nutritious meal in a friendly, centrally located environment.

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Pride in Aging RI 2024 Annual Meeting

Pride in Aging RI 2024 Annual Meeting

Join Pride in Aging RI on Thursday, August 22, 2024, from 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM at the Cranston Central Public Library, 140 Sockanosset Cross Road, Cranston, for our 2024 Annual Meeting. The event is free to attend and lunch will be provided. Our Annual Meeting is a time to get together, hear about all the work we have been engaged in, and welcome new board members to the Pride in Aging RI family. A nomination slate for annual elections will be presented to the membership. All Pride in Aging RI members in good standing are eligible to vote. Additional nominations can be made in writing up to 14 days prior to the Annual Meeting by any Pride in Aging RI member (August 8, 2024). For additional information, including your current membership status, please contact us at: We look forward to seeing you all on August 22nd! Visit: to register.

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LGBTQ+ Art & Artists Tour at the RISD Museum

LGBTQ+ Art & Artists Tour at the RISD Museum

Back By Popular Demand: Join Pride in Aging RI for our second tour of LGBTQ+ Arts & Artists at the RISD Museum

Date: Thursday, August 1st, 2024

Time: The tour begins promptly at 3:00 PM, so we are asking folks to arrive no later than 2:45 PM.

Location: RISD Museum, 20 North Main Street, Providence, RI. Our group will be meeting at 2:45 PM at the South Main Street entrance.

Cost: $15, but discounted and free tickets will be available. Please email us at for information about discounted and free tickets.

Parking: Metered street parking is available and is the closest option. The closest parking lot is Metropark Location P5: South Main Street Lot at 131 Canal Street.

Refreshments: Refreshments will not be provided, but the RISD Museum Cafe is open until 7:00 PM. Those interested may join us at the Cafe for some coffee, tea, and light snacks after the tour for an additional cost.

Thank you for your interest in joining us. We look forward to seeing you in August!

To register, please visit:

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Reading at Riff Raff with Dale Mitchell

Reading at Riff Raff with Dale Mitchell

Hippie Faggot Freak: The Making of a Gay Liberationist is the frank, raw, and sometimes harrowing account of a young man's struggle against seemingly insurmountable odds. New was the idea of living as an out, proud, in-your-face gay man. Dale's story is the story of one who was among the first. Thoroughly engaging, the account is also sometimes shocking. Dale's journey was improvised—traveling a path without blueprints or roadmaps, where there was only a thicket of hatred, lies, and repression. As often as not, it led to dead ends. Yet he emerged as something never before seen: "a gay liberationist."

Ultimately, Hippie Faggot Freak is a story of transcendence—of bravery, perseverance, resilience, and, most importantly of all, an unquenchable thirst for freedom.

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Honor Our LGBTQ+ Elders Day

Honor Our LGBTQ+ Elders Day

Join Pride in Aging RI on Thursday, May 16, 2024 from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM at the William Hall Library, 1825 Broad Street, Cranston, for an event celebrating national Honor Our LGBTQ+ Elders Day.

The event, Celebrating the Power of Storytelling, will feature John Palella, PhD, a Lecturer in Education and Director of the Social Studies MAT Cohort at Brown University. John has spent the past 20 years researching, teaching, and affecting LGTBQIA history. His specialty is in facilitating, documenting, and analyzing storytelling from LGTBQIA adults.

The event is FREE to attend. Please contact us at if you have any questions or need special accommodations.

This event is proudly sponsored by AARP Rhode Island.

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Considering Matthew Shepard

Considering Matthew Shepard

Join the Providence Singers and the Rhode Island Gay Men's Chorus at the WaterFire Arts Center for an evening of music, reflection, and community.

The Providence Singers is a 90-voice concert choir known for their annual performances of Handel‘s Messiah at the Vets and their dual focus on performing choral masterworks and significant modern compositions.

Directed by Christine Noel, the multi-media performance of Considering Matthew Shepard will include a chamber orchestra and evocative video.

For more information, please visit

Considering Matthew Shepard is an exceptional musical tribute to an “ordinary boy.” First performed in 2016, this modern oratorio explores Matthew’s life, death, and legacy. Composer Craig Hella Johnson observed, “The piece actually became a whole lot more than just the story of the suffering. It needed to become this larger invitation to return to love and to remember who we are as human beings, in the deepest sense of our essence.” Johnson’s music incorporates several music styles: classical, Gospel, spiritual, rock, jazz, and even Gregorian chant. The text is also diverse, ranging from author Lesléa Newman (Heather Has Two Mommies ) to the 12th mystic Hildegard of Bingen, from Matthew’s personal journal to the epithets hurled by protesters at his funeral. Considering Matthew Shepard is moving, challenging, and ultimately uplifting.

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In-Person Cafe

In-Person Cafe

The LGBTQ+ Café - A social dining opportunity for individuals

Location: The Church of the Transfiguration, 1665 Broad St., Cranston, RI 02905

Date: Thursday, January 25, 2024

Time: 11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m.

Presenter: David Conner, Advocate, OUTstandingLife

Additional Details: On-site and street parking available

Registration Information: Pre-registration is required. RSVP by January 18, 2024, to Luz Filpo at (401) 351-6700 ext.115 or

Suggested donation: $3.00

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Older Lesbians and Their Health - A Conversation with Dr. Kelly McGarry

Older Lesbians and Their Health - A Conversation with Dr. Kelly McGarry

Calling all Lesbians!

As we age, we are confronted by different issues and concerns in our efforts to stay healthy. Join us for a presentation and conversation with Dr. Kelly McGarry. Bring your questions! Dr. Kelly McGarry is a Primary Care Physician who specializes in Women’s Health. A Professor at Brown Medical School, she is also the Program Director of the General Internal Medical Residency at Rhode Island Hospital. 

 Light refreshments will be offered along with the opportunity to visit with other Lesbians ‘of a certain age.’

This event is free, but registration is required.

Please register by Thursday, January 18, 2024, by visiting

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LGBTQ+ Art & Artists at the RISD Museum

LGBTQ+ Art & Artists at the RISD Museum

Join Pride in Aging RI for a tour of LGBTQ+ Arts & Artists at the RISD Museum

Date: Sunday, January 14th, 2024

Time: The tour begins promptly at 2:00 PM, so we are asking folks to arrive no later than 1:45 PM.

Location: RISD Museum, 20 North Main Street, Providence, RI

Cost: $15, but discounted and free tickets will be available. Please email us at for information about discounted and free tickets.

Parking: Metered street parking is available and is the closest option. The closest parking lot is Metropark Location P5: South Main Street Lot at 131 Canal Street. Visitors may park for free at RISD faculty/staff lots on weekends. Closest available lots are located at 7 or 10 Congdon Street and 292 Benefit Street.

Refreshments: Refreshments will not be provided, but the RISD Museum Cafe is open until 4:00 PM. Those interested may join us at the Cafe for some coffee, tea, and light snacks after the tour for an additional cost.


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Virtual LGBTQ+ Café

Virtual LGBTQ+ Café

Topic History UnErased

Presenter: Debora Fowler

The first and only complete K-12 LGBTQ-inclusive, intersectional US history and social studies curriculum in the nation for mainstream courses – and essential for educational equity and equality.

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In-Person LGBTQ+ Café

In-Person LGBTQ+ Café

In-Person LGBTQ+ Café at Church of the Transfiguration, 1665 Broad St., Cranston, RI

Topic: Benefits, Programs and Services for Military Families

Presenter: Kasim Yarn, Director of the RI Office of Veterans Services

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Virtual Café

Virtual Café

Topic: Youth Pride Inc.

Presenter: Rush Frazier, Executive Director

Youth Pride Inc. is the only nonprofit in Rhode Island specifically dedicated to meet the needs of LGBTQIA+ Youth 25 and under. Youth Pride's mission is to meet the unique, ongoing needs of LGBTQ+ youth and young adults through direct service, support, advocacy, and education.

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